I started making films back in Mexico since I was 13. Back then, I only had access to my Dad’s Hi8 Camera and two VCRs to edit…
In high school, I was able to live abroad (Denmark) studying different languages and explored different cross-cultural divides. I came to Los Angeles to get myself educated in the history of cinema as well as to learn film and TV production. It’s been a journey living in LA with so many challenges, especially by pursuing your dreams. It’s a big city, a city of dreams! But in order to continue chasing them, you have to never give up and never stop! If you hit a wall, find a way to go around it.
Please read the full articles by clicking on the links below.
From VOYAGELA Magazine (published on 09/04/2019):
Meet Mauricio Arrioja of MA Media Productions
Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about MA MEDIA PRODUCTIONS – what should we know?
My company is called: MA MEDIA PRODUCTIONS. “MA” for Mauricio Arrioja.
I offer several production services which mostly involve Line Producing. I create budgets, schedules, script breakdowns, and I do Storyboards (shhhh…. not many know this one!)
I am proud that I’ve been able to come up with ideas to market myself and meet new people. My best strength and I never think of this one, is that people like working with me, I guess I’m a people’s person by nature.
What sets me apart is that even I offer Line Producing services, my goal is to Produce, so I end up doing and getting much more involved in the creative aspect and help the filmmakers and artists to produce something beautiful.
Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
Discipline, respectful with others, be human, be yourself.
WEB SOURCE: http://voyagela.com/interview/meet-mauricio-arrioja-ma-media-productions-encino-ca/
From VOYAGELA Magazine (published on 05/10/2021):
Meet Mauricio Arrioja: Line Producer & Consulting Producer
What was your thought process behind starting your own business?
It was during Christmas time where I was unemployed and went to visit my Brother in Seattle and started researching about media companies and also about myself. Asking questions like: What are my strengths? What can I do to keep myself growing and learning? What are my passions?
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
What sets me apart, is that I may not be the most talented, or the most educated guy, but I have a lot of persistence, and don’t give up.
I still feel there are many challenges to overcome, this is just the beginning. This journey hasn’t been easy at all. Numerous times I have asked myself if I am making the right decisions?
I keep having this strong core belief, that there is a great light at the end of the tunnel, and that I need to keep pushing. Keep pushing to reach my dream.
WEB SOURCE: https://shoutoutla.com/meet-mauricio-arrioja-line-producer-consulting-producer/